Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Must Have List

i thought now would be a good time to publish the current 'must have' list, to honor the insatiable consumer in me! illustrative:

1. Hip Hop Abs. Observe:

oh man. does that look amazing or what!

i saw the infomercial running very, very late one night in my hotel room in boston last week. usually, strong affinities you develop when you're half drunk and all tired tend to creep away slowly, but something about this really stayed with me. i do not know this shaun t. i have also never had six-pack abs. coincidence? i think not.

2. The shoes I've been chasing after for months.

I found them. Remember that long, boring post I wrote about these white Louboutins with a black lattice at the vamp? My friend Ashley found them, drinking lemon drops and lounging around at Barneys, a la

The problem is, when I coudn't find them, I purchased a pair of white patent leather Louboutins in consolation. I love them. But I lust these.

3. Fantome Clock

Architectural Elements is an absurdly expensive furniture store near my house, and the only thing I could afford in the entire place was this clock:

It's bomb. It's see-through. It's a tad bit cheesy. I usually like things that fit these three criteria.


Commercial Break!

It's beer! Beer! BEER! You love beer. I love beer. Let's have a look:

Looks delicious and refreshing, doesn't it?


4. Corset from Agent Provocateur

Because, despite the fact that I can't stand the girls who work there, this is ridiculously hot and will be equally enjoyable to make out with people in or read the newspaper wearing. Full, deep, lung-inflating breaths are totally overrated.

5. Flowers. Regularly.

Last night I bought some flowers from the hipster organic grocery near my house. Here they are!

They are beautiful and they make me feel as though there are living things in my studio other than Biff, my bionic plant. Also, I like the fact that you actually expect them to die. Plants, on the other hand, only die if you are so inept that you aren't able to water them consistently. Dead plants make you look like an idiot who can't get your shit together. Dead flowers make you look like a poet who has feelings vaster than the greatest abyss.

6. Gold fronts

if i have to explain to you why i want these, it's safe to say that I wouldn't have interest in making you my friend anyway.